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How to make delicious low-sugar "Tofu Fried Rice" recipe! Also teaches tips on how to cut corners.

Tofu Fried Rice

Tofu fried rice" is made with tofu instead of rice.

Material ( for one person )
cotton tofu 1 to 1 1/2 pcs.
thinly sliced pork belly 100g (3.53oz)
egg one (object)
kimchi Around 100g (3.53oz)
oil small quantity
sake 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 1 teaspoon
salt and pepper small quantity

I'm on a diet, but I still want fried rice. ...... For those who are on a diet but still want to eat fried rice. Here is a recipe for "Tofu Fried Rice" made with tofu instead of rice. It is hearty and satisfying. This is a recipe that I recommend and keep coming back to.

Tofu Fried Rice Recipe

Ingredients (for 1 person

) ・Tofu (1 piece)
・Sliced pork belly (100g (3.53oz))
・Egg (1 egg)
・Kimuchi (around 100g (3.53oz))
・Oil (small amount)
・Sake (1 tablespoon)
・Soy sauce (1 teaspoon)
・Salt and pepper (small amount)

*You may reduce the amount of tofu to 1/2 of a tofu dish if desired.

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1. Wrap in paper and heat in a microwave oven (approximate heating time: 2 minutes at 500W). When water comes out, drain the tofu in a colander and fry over medium heat, breaking up the tofu into pieces.

If you find it troublesome to drain the water, you don't have to do so!

I often fry roughly mashed tofu in a pan after it has been lightly drained from the water.

2. Add pork belly and fry until it changes color, then move it and tofu to one side of the pan. When it is half-cooked, add it to the tofu and pork belly and stir-fry further.

3. Finally, add the cut kimchi and season with sake, soy sauce, salt and pepper! Kimchi alone adds enough flavor, so if it is too much trouble, just use kimchi alone.

How does tofu fried rice taste?

Tastes like real rice! It's not quite like real rice, but when stir-fried thoroughly, the tofu becomes fluffy, giving the dish a fried rice-like feel. It is a hearty dish, so it is quite satisfying to eat.

The author, who is a lazy cook, seasoned it with kimchi only, but you can enjoy various flavors depending on your ideas, such as using fried pork instead of pork belly, changing the seasoning, or adding seafood, carrots, green onions, and other ingredients to suit your mood.

If you go to the trouble, you want to enjoy and continue this diet for a long time. If you are on a more moderate sugar restriction, you may want to add half a bowl of rice. Try our recommended recipe "Tofu Fried Rice"!

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