A simple recipe for "Oinari Mushrooms" that soaks up all the flavor!
A twist on the plump and delicious inari-san. Here is a simple recipe for "Oinari Kinoko", which is a mushroom wrapped dish instead of sushi rice.
Material ( For two people )
fried bean curd 5 sheets
brown beech mushroom (Hypsizygus marmoreus) 1 bag
Chinese nettle tree 1 bag
tartare sauce 2 tablespoons
A simple recipe for "Oinari Mushroom

A twist on the plump and delicious inari-san. Here is a simple recipe for "Oinari Kinoko," a mushroom wrapped dish instead of sushi rice. The flavor that seeps out of this dish is irresistible.

Oinari Kinoko


5 pieces of deep-fried tofu
1 bag of buna shimeji mushrooms
1 bag of enoki mushrooms
2 tablespoons tartar sauce


Remove the stones from the buna shimeji mushrooms and break them up. Cut the enoki mushrooms into 2cm lengths. Place both in a heatproof container and microwave at 500W for 3 minutes.

Bunashimeji mushrooms and enoki mushrooms

Drain the water from the mushrooms and add to the tartar sauce.

Bunashimeji mushrooms and enoki mushrooms tossed with tartar sauce

Spread out the fried tofu and stuff the mushrooms inside.

A simple recipe for "Oinari Mushroom

What does the Oinari Mushroom taste like?

When you bite into the fried tofu, the sweet and sour flavor seeps out. The plump mushrooms appear from the fluffy fried tofu. The richness and slight sourness of the tartar sauce spreads along with the flavor of the mushrooms. The texture of the onions and other ingredients in the tartar sauce is a pleasant accent.

A simple recipe for "Oinari Mushroom

It is lighter than the sushi rice wrapped in inarizushi-san, but still full of flavor and satisfying taste. It has a rich flavor that makes it a perfect accompaniment to rice or beer.