Oatmeal Recipe] Nebatoro "Oatmeal Natto Kimchi TKG (Egg on Rice)
Here is a recipe for "Oatmeal Natto Kimchi TKG (egg over rice)" which is very satisfying. It is delicious when all mixed together!
Material ( for one person )
oatmeal 30g (1.06oz)
water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water) 50cc
natto (fermented soybeans) 1 pack
kimchi About 40g (1.41oz)
egg one (object)
cottage cheese About 10g (0.35oz)
shredded green onion proper quantity
Chopped nori, white sesame seeds, and other toppings of your choice proper quantity
Recipe "Oatmeal natto kimchi TKG (egg on rice)

A more luxurious version of the " Oatmeal Egg on Rice " previously introduced on En-Eating! Here is the recipe for "Oatmeal Natto Kimchi TKG (Rice with Omelet)". It is delicious when all the ingredients are mixed together!

Oatmeal Natto Kimchi TKG (Egg Kake Gohan

) Recipe


30g (1.06oz) oatmeal
50cc water
1 package natto
about 40g (1.41oz) kimchi
1 egg
about 10g (0.35oz) cottage cheese
some chopped green onion
some chopped nori, white sesame or other toppings of your choice

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Mix water and oatmeal together and microwave (600W for (600W for 1 minute).

Recipe "Oatmeal natto kimchi TKG (egg on rice)

Add the egg whites, among other things, to the oatmeal mixture and mix lightly, then microwave for 30 seconds (600W) to mix further (about 30 seconds).

Recipe "Oatmeal natto kimchi TKG (egg on rice)

Mix natto and kimchi together and serve on oatmeal. Also, add a yellow egg, cottage cheese, and chopped green onions to the top of the oatmeal!

Recipe "Oatmeal natto kimchi TKG (egg on rice)

Taste for yourself

! When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, the mixture is thick, sticky, and delicious! The combination of kimchi, natto, and cottage cheese gives this dish a great texture and flavor. You can also add other ingredients of your choice such as avocado, shirasu (baby sardines), small tomatoes, mizuna (potherb mustard), etc. The toppings give a different impression of flavor, so you can enjoy this dish every day of the week.

Recipe "Oatmeal natto kimchi TKG (egg on rice)

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