Home   »   Beauty and Diet   »   Tofu   »   Delicious and low-sugar "Tofu Crackers" recipe and recipe! Perfect as a small snack while on a diet! Crunchy, savory, and satisfying!

Delicious and low-sugar "Tofu Crackers" recipe and recipe! Perfect as a small snack while on a diet! Crunchy, savory, and satisfying!

Tofu Cracker

Crackers made with tofu

Material ( For 2 persons )
firm tofu one clique
sesame oil A little to taste
salt (i.e. sodium chloride) A little to taste

For those who want to eat crackers even on a diet! Introducing "Tofu Crackers," an easy, low-sugar recipe. These crispy and savory crackers can be enjoyed as a small snack or as a side dish.

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Tofu Crackers Recipe


- 1 tofu dough
- A little sesame oil to taste
- A little salt to taste


1. Slice drained tofu into bite-size pieces and place on a baking pan. Drizzle a little sesame oil and salt to taste.

You can drain the tofu by wrapping it in kitchen paper and leaving it in the refrigerator for an hour, but you can also wrap it in kitchen paper and microwave it for 2-3 minutes to shorten the time.

2. Microwave it at 600W for about 5 minutes, then turn it over with chopsticks and microwave it for another 5 minutes. If the tofu is still soft, repeat heating each side for 1 minute on each side until the tofu is well drained.

3, Finish by combining the crispy crackers with dipping sauces and toppings as desired!

Eat it as it is. 0

Tofu Crackers - How do they taste?

Tofu crackers have a light, crispy, savory texture, and the flavor of tofu gradually spreads as you bite into them. The author has combined the previously introduced " Soy Milk Cottage Cheese " with smoked salmon, kaiwaredaikon radish, and pink pepper to make a snack-like dish.

It can be enjoyed in various ways depending on your ideas, such as with aonori (green laver) & salt or consomme powder to make them look like potato chips, or with dipping sauces! The texture also changes depending on the thickness when slicing. Try it out!

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