Saving & Healthy! Baked Chicken Meat with Ginger
A recipe for ginger yaki made with chicken meat, which can be found inexpensively. It is moist and soft. It is thick and hearty!
Material ( For 2 persons )
chicken breast meat one sheet
salt and pepper proper quantity
potato starch 2 tablespoons
salad oil 1/2 tablespoon
sake 1 tablespoon
mirin 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 1 tablespoon
sugar 1/2 teaspoon
Grated ginger or tube 2 teaspoons - to taste
grilled chicken meat with ginger

Pork is the standard ingredient for ginger yaki! is the standard, but in fact, it can also be made with chicken meat. Here is a recipe that is both economical and healthy.

Moist! Ginger-yaki chicken recipe


1 chicken breast
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons potato starch
1/2 tablespoon salad oil
1 tablespoon sake
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons ginger (grated or in tube) to taste


Mix sake, mirin, soy sauce, sugar and ginger in a container.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

Cut chicken meat into 1 cm pieces, rub with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with potato starch.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

grilled chicken meat with ginger
Squeeze over the bag to make it easier.

Heat oil in a frying pan, place chicken on the pan and cook over medium-low heat.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

When the color changes to white, turn the chicken over, cover and cook over low heat for 2 minutes.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

grilled chicken meat with ginger

Open the lid, add seasonings and toss to coat.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

grilled chicken meat with ginger

How does it taste?

grilled chicken meat with ginger

The chicken meat, coated with potato starch to lock in moisture, is moist and juicy. It is thick and has a luxurious crunchy texture.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

It goes well with the sweet and spicy rich flavor of ginger yaki. The protein-rich breast meat is transformed! Also delicious with mayonnaise.

grilled chicken meat with ginger

Recommended when you feel stuck with ginger yaki pork or as a main dish when on a diet. If you have chicken meat in your refrigerator that you bought because it was cheap, but are wondering how to cook it...!