Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira" Easy Recipe

We have compiled a list of paprika recipes that will brighten up your dining table. The four recipes are "Paprika and Egg Chinese Style," "Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira," "Cabbage and Paprika Cole Slaw Salad," and "Chikuwa Chikuwa Seisho Toito (Chinese stir-fry with green pepper).

Chinese Style Paprika and Egg

This recipe for "Chinese Style Paprika and Egg" is easy to make using a microwave oven. Crispy and juicy bell peppers and soft and fluffy eggs are a great combination.

Chinese Style Paprika and Eggs Recipe

The sweet and sour taste of the bell peppers and the gentle sweetness of the eggs are complemented by the punchy flavor of the Chinese style. The savory sesame accents make the chopsticks go faster! Recommended on hot days when you don't want to use the fire.

>>For more detailed recipe, click here " Chinese Style Paprika and Eggs".

Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira

This simple recipe for "Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira" has a bright appearance. Perfect as an accompaniment to rice or drinks.

Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira" Easy Recipe

The fresh sweetness of the bell peppers will spread as you bite into the crispy texture. The moderate saltiness of the soy sauce and the mild flavor of the chikuwa go well with each other. For a more colorful dish, add green bell peppers for a beautiful green touch.

Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira" Easy Recipe

>>For a more detailed recipe, click here " Paprika and Chikuwa Kinpira".

Cabbage and Paprika Coleslaw Salad

A refreshing "Cabbage and Paprika Coleslaw Salad" recipe. It is a perfect accompaniment to a hearty dish.

Recipe for "Cole Slaw Salad with Cabbage and Paprika

The texture of the crisp cabbage and bell peppers is well balanced between sweet and sour and mild. The addition of paprika adds depth to the sweet and sour taste.

Recipe for "Cole Slaw Salad with Cabbage and Paprika

>>For a detailed recipe, click here " Coleslaw Salad with Cabbage and Paprika".

Chikuwa with green pepper paste

Chikuwa Seisho Shito (Chinese stir-fry with green pepper) is a economical recipe that uses chikuwa instead of meat. This recipe is perfect for a last-minute meal before payday.

Savings recipe: "Chikuwa Chikuwa Seisho Shitou" (Chinese-style stir-fry with green pepper)

The sticky texture of the chikuwa remains, making it more satisfying than expected. We recommend serving it over rice as a bowl of rice or as a side dish for lunch.

Savings recipe: "Chikuwa Chikuwa Seisho Shitou" (Chinese-style stir-fry with green pepper)

>>For a detailed recipe, click here .