Recipe for "Nanbanzuke of summer vegetables"

Colorful and gorgeous! Here are three "paprika recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Summer vegetables pickled in Nanban" and "Chinese style of paprika and eggs". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed article page.

Ethnic stir-fried peppers and paprika

Colorful and gorgeous! A recipe for " ethnic stir-fried peppers and paprika " using peppers and paprika.

Recipe for "ethnic stir-fried peppers and paprika".

Juicy bird thighs with green peppers that remain crispy and fresh. The fluffy scent of nam pla is a nice accent, giving it a refreshing taste. It's irresistible for ethnic lovers! Black pepper is also good, and the taste of sake goes on!

Nanban pickles of summer vegetables

Recommended when you want to taste plenty of seasonal vegetables! A recipe for "Nanbanzuke of summer vegetables " that is bright to the eye.

Recipe for "Nanbanzuke of summer vegetables"

Hokuhoku pumpkin, Tron and soft eggplant, sticky okra, crispy and fresh paprika, and a different texture for each bite is fun! The natural sweetness of vegetables, the umami of mentsuyu, and the aroma of sesame oil are added to the deliciousness. The slight acidity of vinegar brings together the taste neatly. You may like it when making sauce, but add a little to make it more refreshing.

Chinese style of paprika and eggs

"Chinese style of paprika and eggs " recipe that can be easily made using a microwave oven.

"Chinese style of paprika and eggs" recipe

The crispy and juicy paprika and the soft and soft eggs are a good combination. The sweet and sour taste of paprika and the gentle sweetness of eggs are tightened by the punchy taste of Chinese style. The sesame scent accentuates the chopsticks! It's easy to make with just a microwave, so it's also recommended for hot days when you don't want to use fire.