"Cabbage and paprika coleslaw salad" recipe

Also for cabbage consumption! Here are three "cabbage recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "Cabbage and paprika coleslaw salad" and "mackerel canned peperoncino style". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed article page

Mackerel can Peperoncino style

Introducing the recipe for a simple side dish "mackerel can Peperoncino style" using boiled mackerel cans. The cabbage, which has been heated to bring out its sweetness, and the rich mackerel go well together. The scent of garlic that gently slips through your nose and the moderate spiciness are irresistible. Satisfactory taste with simple seasoning.

Recipe "mackerel can Peperoncino style"

Cabbage and paprika coleslaw salad

Introducing the " Cabbage and Paprika Coleslaw Salad " recipe. It has a crispy cabbage and paprika texture with a good balance of sweet and sour and mellow. The addition of paprika adds depth to the sweet and sour taste. It has a refreshing taste and is perfect for garnishing savory dishes.

"Cabbage and paprika coleslaw salad" recipe

Walnut salad with cabbage and cottage cheese

Introducing a simple recipe " Cabbage and cottage cheese walnut salad" using cut shredded cabbage. Just mix and you can make it in about 5 minutes! Rich in texture and taste. As it is fashionable, it is also recommended as a dish of hospitality dishes.

Simple recipe "Cabbage and cottage cheese walnut salad"