How to freeze asparagus
Learn how to sell asparagus fresh or boiled and then frozen. It is convenient because you can cook it frozen when you use it.
Raw materials Asparagus, salt
Tool Peeler, knife, cutting board, frying pan, colander, Saran wrap, storage bags for freezing
Working hours 10Minutes
1. Cut off the root and peel off the hard skin.
2. Wrap in plastic wrap, place in freezer bag and put in freezer.
3. If boiling, boil in salted boiling water for 1 1/2 minutes.
4. Drain water and when cool, wrap in plastic wrap and put in a freezer bag and put in the freezer.

How to freeze asparagus

Boiled, steamed, or stir-fried, asparagus can be used in a variety of dishes. To preserve its delicious flavor, if you get a lot of asparagus and can't eat it right away, you can freeze it! This article introduces how to freeze asparagus fresh or after boiling.

How to freeze asparagus

Freeze fresh

Cut off the hard root end of the asparagus and peel a few centimeters of the skin with a peeler.

[Reference link] How to prepare asparagus! How many centimeters do you cut off the root?

Step 1: How to freeze asparagus

Cut into convenient lengths (diagonally or in chunks, etc.) and wrap in plastic wrap for each portion to be used.

How to freeze asparagus

How to freeze asparagus

Step 2: How to freeze asparagus

Store in a zippered bag or other freezer-safe storage bag in the freezer.

How to freeze asparagus

How to freeze asparagus

When ready to use, cut or heat frozen and cook until ready to eat, about 3 weeks.

Boil and then freeze.

Cut off the root end of the asparagus and peel off the tough skin with a peeler.

How to prepare asparagus! How many inches do you cut off the root?

How to freeze asparagus

Boil water in a frying pan, add a pinch of salt, add whole pre-treated asparagus and boil for 1.5 to 2 minutes.

Step 3: How to freeze asparagus

Drain thoroughly and wrap in plastic wrap when cooled. Place in a freezer-safe bag and store in the freezer.

How to freeze asparagus

Step 4: How to freeze asparagus

Boiled and frozen asparagus should be used up within a month or so. You can cut them frozen and thaw them for salads, or fry them frozen or otherwise cook them!