Home   »   Beauty and Diet   »   French toast   »   Recipe] Deliciously low-sugar "Koya-Tofu French Toast" The gentle sweetness of eggs and milk is perfectly French toast! It also makes you full.

Recipe] Deliciously low-sugar "Koya-Tofu French Toast" The gentle sweetness of eggs and milk is perfectly French toast! It also makes you full.

Low carbohydrate recipe "French Toast with Koya-Tofu

Replace bread with dried tofu.

Material ( for one person )
freeze-dried tofu two sheets (pieces) (of paper)
(cow's) milk Total 200cc
sugar 1 teaspoon
egg one (object)
butter proper quantity

For those restricting carbohydrates! This French toast using "Koya-Tofu" instead of bread is healthy and very tasty.


French Toast Recipe

Ingredients Ingredients

2 slices Koya-Tofu
Milk 200cc total (use 100cc each)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 egg
Butter as needed

Koya-Tofu instead of bread

You can also prepare molasses or powdered sugar for topping if you like!


Put koya-tofu and 100cc of milk in a heatproof bowl, cover with plastic wrap and microwave (500W) for about 1 minute. Allow the tofu to absorb the milk and return it to the bowl.

Pour milk and ding.


Mix the egg, 100 cc of milk and sugar to make the egg mixture.

Poke holes in the koya-tofu with chopsticks to soak up the egg mixture.

Heat butter in a frying pan, add the koya-tofu and half of the egg mixture, and cook over low to medium heat.

When browned, flip over and add the remaining egg mixture, cover and cook over low to medium heat. When cooked, place in a serving dish and serve!

How does it taste?

Delicious! The fluffy, juicy texture and the gentle sweetness of the eggs and milk make it a perfect French toast. However, the more you bite into it, the more the savory soybean flavor will softly spread.

The tofu is delicious, and the goodness of the tofu is also used to its fullest. It is chewier than bread French toast, so you can fill up on just one piece. It's very cost-effective.

Koya-Tofu French Toast is a great way to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet and fill you up even with a small amount. If you are on a diet, why not try it for breakfast or as a snack?
Keyword / Categories
French toast Diet Recipe
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