Classic "ginger cookie" recipe

Handmade at home! Here are 5 "cookie recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. Fragrant "potato starch cookie" and "rich cheese cookie".

* Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe page.

・ Banana cookies
A simple "banana cookie " recipe made with 3 ingredients.

Easy "banana cookie" recipe

The surface is refreshing and the inside is fluffy. It is soft as a cookie and has a texture similar to bread. With the sweetness of banana that spreads slowly every time you chew, it feels like a sweet enough without sugar. The crushed flesh mass adds a mellow and luxurious accent. As time passes after baking, the moisture of the banana spreads and it becomes a little moist, but this is delicious. If you want to keep the crispy texture, crush the bananas firmly so that they do not remain in the lumps, and try to make the baking time longer.

Easy "banana cookie" recipe

・ Chinsuko-style cookies
A recipe for "Chinsuko-style cookies " that makes you want to eat when you think of Okinawa.

"Chinsuko-style cookie" recipe

When you bite it, it is crunchy and fragrant, and it melts sweetly in your mouth. The rich and rich oil is effective, and the happy taste with a sense of immorality is just like Chinsuko. The slightly salty taste enhances the sweetness and makes it even more delicious. It goes well with black coffee. It's easy to do with a small amount of ingredients, so it's also recommended for beginners making sweets!

"Chinsuko-style cookie" recipe

・ Potato starch cookie
A recipe for "potato starch cookies " that does not require flour. When you have excess potato starch or when you can't get the flour!

Recipe for "potato starch cookie"

Crispy and light texture. Every time you chew, the aroma and mild sweetness spread. Cookies made from wheat flour are good, but potato starch cookies are also addictive. I carried it to my mouth more and more, and when I noticed it disappeared. Sprinkle with black pepper or grated cheese to make a stylish snack. Try it when you have excess starch or when you can't get the flour!

Recipe for "potato starch cookie"

・ Rich cheese cookie
A recipe for "rich cheese cookies " that you can easily make using cheese for pizza.

"Thick cheese cookie" recipe

Cheese that has a crispy and light texture and is fragrant from the moment you eat it! Each time you chew, the aroma, umami, and sweetness deepen, and the taste changes to a richer taste. The balance of "sweet and salty" is exquisite, which is not too sweet and is not defeated by saltiness. The spicy flavor of coarsely ground pepper puts it together while tightening the whole, and it tastes like a cheese cookie sold at a pastry shop!

"Thick cheese cookie" recipe

· Ginger cookies
A recipe for "ginger cookies, " which is a standard Christmas confectionery in Europe and elsewhere.

Classic "ginger cookie" recipe

A crispy, light and fragrant texture. The more you chew, the softer the sweetness and the warmth of ginger. Combined with the scent of cinnamon, it's spicy! Rest assured that you will hardly feel the spiciness. Ginger cookies are much more addictive than just sweet cookies because of their crisp texture and rich flavor. If you get tired of simple recipes, give it a try!

Classic "ginger cookie" recipe

5 cookie recipes that will make your home time richer. Try what you care about ♪