Kappa Sushi Gochi CAFE "Creme Ange" and "Creme Ange Vanilla Parfait

Kappa S

ushi Gochi CAFE "Crème Ange

" and "Crème Ange Vanilla Parfait"

Kappa Sushi's sweets brand "Gochi CAFE" will release cheese sweets "Crème Ange" supervised by one of Japan's top patisseries "Patissier Shimada Toru Shimada" and " Creme Ange Vanilla Parfait" will go on sale on June 20 and will be available until September 4.


Ange "Crème Ange" is a local pastry from the Ange region of France, and is a specialty of "Patissier Shima," also known as "God's feast. It has a light texture with a lingering aftertaste, making it the perfect sweet for the coming season.

The rare cheese mousse is made from an original blend of rich-tasting cream cheese and French fromage blanc, which is characterized by its refreshing acidity and richness, and topped with sweet and sour raspberry sauce. The soft and fluffy texture and rich yet gentle flavor can be enjoyed. The price is 374 yen (tax included).

Kappa Sushi Gochi CAFE "Creme Ange

Crème Ange" for take-out is also available. Perfect for sweet time at home or as a souvenir. Priced at 390 yen (tax included). Not available at the Minamata store.

Kappa Sushi Gochi CAFE "Creme Ange

Crème Ange

Vanilla Par

fait: "Crème Ange" parfait with whipped cream, crunchy fruit granola, fleshy strawberry sauce, and vanilla ice cream. You can enjoy the delicious combination of various ingredients, sweetness, and sourness. It is garnished with cookdassé white chocolate, topped with raspberry sauce, and finished with condensed milk. The price is 495 yen (tax included).

Kappa Sushi Gochi CAFE "Crème Ange Vanilla Parfait

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