Ethnic Infinity Cucumber" scented with fish sauce
Not only for mass consumption of cucumbers, but also for consuming leftover fish sauce! Here is a simple recipe for "Ethnic Mugen Cucumber". It is refreshing and easy to eat, and ethnic food lovers will surely fall in love with it!
Material ( For 2 persons )
cucumber one (object)
num pla 1 tablespoon
lemon juice (ingredient) 1/2 tablespoon
grated garlic 1 teaspoon
red pepper small quantity
Zippered bag one sheet
Recipe "Ethnic Infinity Cucumber

Not only for mass consumption of cucumbers, but also for consuming leftover fish sauce! Here is a simple recipe for "Ethnic Mugen Cucumber". It is refreshing and easy to eat, and if you like ethnic foods, you will surely fall in love with it!

Ethnic Mugen

Cucumber Recipe


1 cucumber
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated garlic
A few sliced chilies
1 zipper bag

*A little sesame oil can be added if desired.


Cut off the hefty part of the cucumber and cut into pieces large enough to fit into the zipper bag. Cut off the cucumber head and cut into pieces large enough to fit into the zipper bag.

Put the cucumber into the bag and lightly tap it with a rolling pin or something.

Recipe "Ethnic Infinity Cucumber
Maybe I hit it a little too hard...?

Add fish sauce, lemon juice and grated garlic.
Recipe "Ethnic Infinity Cucumber

Recipe "Ethnic Infinity Cucumber
massage (esp. sexual)

Serve in a bowl, topped with sliced chili peppers, and you're done!

Recipe "Ethnic Infinity Cucumber



with a soft aroma of fish sauce, a must for ethnic lovers! The crispy and fresh cucumbers will make your chopsticks go wild. Because it is refreshing, it is recommended as a side dish on days when you don't have much of an appetite.

Recipe "Ethnic Infinity Cucumber

If you are new to using fish sauce, you may want to try a slightly smaller amount. Try it for yourself!