Use it up without wasting it! How to freeze ginger
Ginger is indispensable for flavoring dishes. It is convenient to freeze ginger in small portions for different uses, such as sliced, shredded, or grated.
Raw materials ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Tool Knife, cutting board, grater, plastic wrap, freezer bag
Working hours 20Minutes
1. Cut ginger into pieces
2. Slice or shred larger chunks.
3. Wrap the slices in plastic wrap, shifting the slices around and arranging the strips in a row.
4. Grate smaller chunks.
5. Spread thinly on plastic wrap and wrap in a sheet
6. Pack in freezer bags and put in freezer.

How to freeze ginger

Ginger is indispensable for flavoring dishes. When you want a spicy flavor, fresh ginger is the way to go, not a tube of ginger.

However, the ginger you buy at the supermarket is a bit large. Most of them become shriveled and moldy in the refrigerator before they can be used up. What a waste!

How to freeze ginger
Too much to use up in refrigeration...

To avoid wasting ginger, we recommend freezing it. Here is a convenient way to freeze ginger for cooking!

How to freeze ginger Recipe

Wash ginger and wipe dry. Cut bumpy ginger into pieces according to shape.

Step 1Cut the ginger into pieces.

Thinly slice or julienne larger chunks.

Step 2Slice or shred larger chunks.

How to freeze ginger

Arrange the thin slices, shifting them slightly, and wrap them in plastic wrap. This will prevent each piece from sticking tightly together and make it easier to peel off the necessary number of pieces for use.

How to freeze ginger

Step 3Wrap the slices in plastic wrap, shifting the slices and arranging the strips in a row.

How to freeze ginger
You can peel off only the number of sheets you want.

Similarly, wrap the shredded pieces side by side in plastic wrap.

How to freeze ginger

For smaller chunks, grate and wrap in a thin layer of plastic wrap. This will freeze them into a sheet and make it easier to break off and use the necessary amount.

Step 4Grind smaller chunks.

Step 5 Spread thinly on plastic wrap and wrap into a board.

How to freeze ginger
It can be used by cracking it open.

After wrapping each piece in plastic wrap, put them together in a freezer bag and place in the freezer. They can be stored in this condition for 3-4 weeks. Adjust the balance of thinly sliced, shredded, and grated ginger depending on how you usually use ginger.

How to freeze ginger

Step 6Pack in freezer bags and put in freezer.

Ginger tends to go bad because it keeps relatively well in refrigeration. One way to do this is to immediately freeze the rest of the ginger after it has been purchased and used for the desired cooking purpose.