Actual Tasting "Humpat Artichoke Tea"

Humpat Artichoke


I actually bought and drank Humpat Artichoke Tea, which I found at KALDI Coffee Farm. 25p per box, purchase price is 268 yen (tax included).

Artichoke Tea

Artichoke tea has a refreshing and slightly sweet taste. It contains an ingredient called cinnarin, and is often drunk in Vietnam after drinking alcohol. Place a tea bag in a cup, pour boiling water over it, and after 2 to 3 minutes, it is ready to drink!

Actual Tasting "Humpat Artichoke Tea"

Actual Tasting "Humpat Artichoke Tea"

The pop-up in the store said "tastes similar to hojicha". It certainly sounds like it if you ask me. ......? However, compared to hojicha, it has a slight bitterness and sweetness.

Actual Tasting "Humpat Artichoke Tea"

I usually enjoy drinking rooibos tea or Chinese tea, but if you drink it expecting the taste of hojicha, you may feel a little uncomfortable.

Personally, I find it mild and easy to drink! It is a little warmer than hot. I recommend drinking it when it is warm to the point of being slightly lukewarm rather than hot. I am also glad that it is caffeine-free! According to the reviews on the official website, some people are concerned about the "bitterness. This bitterness and unique flavor may be a point of difference in taste.

You can enjoy the unique flavor of Humpat Artichoke Tea. Why don't you pick it up when you find it?