Awaji Service Area, Ramen Son, Lettuce Miso Ramen
"Lettuce ramen" with plenty of fresh vegetables

"Lettuce Miso Ramen from Awaji Island" using plenty of ingredients from Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture was released on December 15th at "Ramen Son" in the "Awaji Service Area" (up) on the Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway. ..

Awaji Island is famous for onions, but lettuce is actually one of its specialties. In particular, the season comes from the beginning of October to the beginning of June. It is characterized by its crispy texture and slight sweetness.

This lettuce is combined with rich miso that goes well with it, and topped with bean sprouts and onions from Awaji Island. If you want to enjoy the taste of the season, it will be offered for a limited time (the end date is undecided). The price is 720 yen (tax included).