Home   »   Recipe   »   Vegetables, root vegetables, mushrooms   »   [Basic] Preparation of bitter gourd! The bitterness is softened in 10 minutes with salt fir. ・ The cotton is not bitter, so you can take it by stroking it.

[Basic] Preparation of bitter gourd! The bitterness is softened in 10 minutes with salt fir. ・ The cotton is not bitter, so you can take it by stroking it.

Preparation of basic bitter gourd! Mild bitterness

Introducing the basic bitter gourd preparation method. How to remove cotton and seeds inside, how to remove bitterness, etc. There is nothing difficult!

Raw materials Bitter gourd, salt
What to use Kitchen knives, cutting boards, spoons, bowls
Working hours 15minutes
1. Cut bitter gourd in half vertically
2. Remove cotton and seeds with a spoon
3. Cut according to the cooking method
4. See salt and leave for about 10 minutes
5. Rinse quickly with water and squeeze out the water

Introducing the basic preparation method for bitter gourd. There is nothing difficult. Stir-fried or boiled bitter gourd, let's prepare it well and taste it with a pleasant bitterness without waste!

Preparation of bitter gourd

What to prepare

Bitter gourd, salt, kitchen knife, cutting board, spoon, bowl


Wash the bitter gourd, cut off both ends, and cut in half vertically.

Use a spoon to remove the white cotton and seeds inside. By the way, I used to scrape cotton and cotton like my parents' souls, but in reality, cotton is not bitter, so it is not necessary. Cotton is also nutritious, so you can remove it by gently stroking it.

Cut according to the cooking method. When making stir-fried food such as bitter gourd champuru, it is about 5 mm. If you want to eat it raw as a salad, or if you want to boil it quickly and soak it in it, we recommend a slightly thinner 2-3 mm.

Put the cut bitter gourd in a bowl and sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of salt on each bitter gourd to lightly salt. This alleviates the strong bitterness.

Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, and when it gets wet, rinse it off with water and squeeze it out. This completes the preparation! If you want to cook with the seasoning, you can squeeze only the water that comes out without washing.

In addition to salt, sprinkle some sugar and knead it to soften the bitterness. For those who want to leave a moderate bitterness, salt fir is enough!
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