Easy Oatmeal Recipe "Crab Egg Porridge with Oatmeal

For oatmeal beginners! Here is a collection of three "oatmeal recipes" that are easy to make and easy to eat. The three recipes are "Crab Egg Porridge with Oatmeal," "Rice with Oatmeal Eggs," and "Oatmeal Tea Porridge. Click on each recipe name to go to the detailed article page.

Crab Omelet Porridge with Crab Eggs

Simple oatmeal recipe "Crab and Egg Porridge with Oatmeal " is introduced here. It can be a menu item on a diet. The oatmeal's peculiarity is reduced by making it a hot rice porridge, making it easy to eat. It is also very thick and easy to eat even on days when you don't have much of an appetite!

Easy Oatmeal Recipe "Crab Egg Porridge with Oatmeal

Rice with Oatmeal Eggs

Introducing an easy recipe " Oatmeal Egg Rice". Just microwave and mix, so it's ready in no time! The oatmeal's savory flavor and crunchy texture are combined with the beaten egg. The oatmeal's savory, crunchy, and chewy texture goes well with the beaten egg. If you feel the oatmeal is not enough, add a little more kimchi or yakiniku sauce!

Easy recipe "Oatmeal over egg rice

Oatmeal tea with rice

I want to incorporate oatmeal into my regular diet, but I'm still a bit unfamiliar with the taste. ...... Recommended for those who are not used to the taste of oatmeal! Here is a very simple recipe for " oatmeal ch azuke" (oatmeal with tea). Although it does not taste exactly the same as white rice, the oatmeal that has absorbed the water and broth and become soft is quite easy to eat.

Recipe for "Oatmeal Chazuke