"Steamed clams with garlic butter"
Introducing a simple recipe using clams, "Steamed clams with garlic butter". Addictive to the mellow butter flavor and the taste of clams!
Material ( For 2 people )
Clams 300g (10.58oz)
Garlic 2 pieces
butter 15g (0.53oz)
White wine 3 tbsp
water 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 1 tsp
Parsley, small onions, etc. Appropriate amount
Recipe "Steamed clams with garlic butter"

It goes well with wine! Introducing a simple recipe using clams, "Steamed clams with garlic butter". Addictive to the mellow butter flavor and the taste of clams!

■ Materials
Clam 300g (10.58oz)
Garlic 2 pieces butter 15g (0.53oz)
3 tablespoons of white wine
1 tbsp water
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Appropriate amount of parsley, small onions, etc.

■ How to make
Remove the sand from the clams and wash the shells thoroughly with fresh water.

Recipe "Steamed clams with garlic butter"

Put 2/3 of butter and sliced garlic in a frying pan and heat over low heat. When the butter melts and the garlic scent comes out, add the clams.

Recipe "Steamed clams with garlic butter"

Add white wine and water, cover and steam until the clam shells open. If it is steamed too much, the clams will become hard, so it is important to turn off the heat as soon as the shell opens.

Recipe "Steamed clams with garlic butter"

Add the remaining butter and soy sauce, mix lightly, serve in a bowl, and top with parsley and green onions to complete!

Recipe "Steamed clams with garlic butter"

■ Umami Juwatto
The mellow flavor of butter, the punchy scent of garlic, and the richness of soy sauce add to the taste of clams, and you can't stop eating ...! The soup stock that exudes umami is also delicious. Once you remove the sand, it's easy, so it's recommended as a companion when you want to drink a little.

Recipe "Steamed clams with garlic butter"

Rich "steamed clam garlic butter". Why not add it to your table tonight?