Famima: "Lumpy textured snack sea snails

I tried FamilyMart's "Crunchy Textured Snackfish". As the name suggests, it is crunchy and can be tasted with the attached sashimi soy sauce and wasabi for a spicy taste. Calories: 66kcal, Protein: 11.2g (0.07oz), Fat: 0.4g (0.14oz), Carbohydrates: 4.4g (0.14oz), Dietary Fiber: 0.3g (0.11oz), Dietary Fiber Equivalent: 1.6g (0.21oz) Price: 298 yen (tax included)

Lumpy textured snack clams

Famima: "Lumpy textured snack sea snails

This is a sashimi type of Akanishi-gai (red clam), which has a crunchy texture. The shells have been removed from their shells and are packed.

Famima: "Lumpy textured snack sea snails

When you eat it with the attached sashimi soy sauce and wasabi, you can feel the spiciness in your nose, the elastic texture, and the flavor of the shellfish afterwards. The more spices and saltiness you add, the more sake or beer you will enjoy, and it is also perfect to enjoy with white rice.

Famima: "Lumpy textured snack sea snails

On the other hand, if you go easy on the soy sauce and wasabi, you can take your time and enjoy the shellfish. If you want a change of flavor, I have the impression that spicy soy sauce would also go well with this dish.