A simple recipe for "Crowdaisy with garland chrysanthemum" that chopsticks won't stop!
Introducing a simple recipe "Crowdaisy with tuna and mayonnaise", which is seasoned with garland chrysanthemum and mayonnaise. The vivid flavor of garland chrysanthemum and the mellow and rich taste of tuna mayo match and it is delicious.
Material ( For 3-4 people )
Crowndaisy 1 bag
Tuna can 1 can
Sesame seeds, mentsuyu, mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

Introducing a simple recipe "Crowdaisy with tuna and mayonnaise", which is seasoned with garland chrysanthemum and mayonnaise. The vivid flavor of garland chrysanthemum and the mellow and rich taste of tuna mayo match and it is delicious.

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

Ingredients (for 3-4 people)

1 bag of garland chrysanthemum 1 can of tuna 1 can of ground sesame, mentsuyu, mayonnaise 1 tablespoon

How to make

Wash the garland chrysanthemum, cut off the hard part of the stem, and cut it to 3-4 cm.

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

Put the wet garland chrysanthemum in a heat-resistant container, wrap it gently, and heat it in a microwave oven at 600W for 3 minutes. You can boil the water in a pot quickly.

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

Squeeze the water from the garland chrysanthemum, put it in a container such as Tupperware, add lightly drained tuna cans, ground sesame seeds, mentsuyu, and mayonnaise, and mix to complete.

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

What is its taste?

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

The rich tuna mayo flavor is countered by the garland chrysanthemum with an impactful flavor. The more you chew, the more refreshing the taste of garland chrysanthemum and the delicious taste of tuna are overflowing! The chopsticks won't stop.

With garland chrysanthemum tuna mayo

The image of garland chrysanthemum is a supporting role for pots, but you can also play a leading role like this! A recipe that is recommended for making a lot of dishes and side dishes for regular dishes and lunch boxes.