"Kizuna Suzuki" for Kura Sushi

The conveyor belt sushi chain "Kura Sushi" sells "Kizuna Suzuki", a sushi made with seasonal sea bass. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, the number of sales channels has decreased, and farmed sea bass that could not be shipped and were stored alive are used. From August 7, it will be handled in 2 prefectures in Kansai, 4 prefectures, and 4 prefectures in Shikoku.

The selling price is 220 yen (tax included) per plate. Approximately 30 tons of sea bass purchased from aquaculture companies in Kagawa Prefecture are used. It is said to be a summer tradition in the Kansai region, and since it is shipped mainly to high-end restaurants in Kyoto during this season, it has been cultivated for about three years and is of high quality. Due to the decrease in demand due to the decrease in tourists, the shipment volume has decreased, and Kura Sushi will be purchased this time.

A large size of 2 kg or more that is oily and tastes good. It will be on sale from August 7th to 13th and from 21st to 27th for a total of 2 weeks. You can also take it home.

In July, Kura Sushi purchased about 200 tons of red sea bream from aquaculture companies in Ehime prefecture, whose sales channels decreased, and sold it as "Kizuna Madai" at only 5 stores in Ehime prefecture. This is a continuing effort.