Morinaga "Bake Creamy Cheese"
It's like cheesecake?

From Morinaga & Co.'s baked chocolate "Bake" series, "Bake Creamy Cheese" and "Bake Fondant Chocolat" will be released on September 13th. Each contains 10 tablets, and the estimated price is 194 yen (tax included).

Bake creamy cheese is a baked chocolate with a rich taste like a small cheesecake. The surface is baked crispy, and there is a melting cheese sauce inside. You can enjoy two kinds of delicate textures.

Bake fondant chocolate is a baked chocolate with a smooth chocolate sauce in a moist chocolate. When warmed, the center becomes thicker and you can enjoy the realistic taste of fondant chocolate.

Morinaga & Co. "Bake Fondant Chocolat"
I want to warm up and eat