Home   »   Recipe   »   Recipe   »   [Recipe] 3 selections of "Tsukudani recipe" with rice! "Tsukudani of peppers" and "Tsukudani of bitter gourd" etc.

[Recipe] 3 selections of "Tsukudani recipe" with rice! "Tsukudani of peppers" and "Tsukudani of bitter gourd" etc.

Rice goes on! Here are three "Tsukudani recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Tsukudani of peppers" and "Tsukudani of bitter gourd". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article

Bitter melon boiled in bitter gourd

A recipe for " Tsukudani of bitter gourd" using "bitter gourd" that is in season in summer.

A slightly strong seasoning that goes well with rice. After the sweet and sour taste that contains the taste of mentsuyu, the bitter gourd flavor is fluffy. Thanks to the salt, the bitterness is not so strong, only the refreshing aroma remains. The fragrant white sesame is a good accent.

Boiled peppers

Also for mass consumption of bell peppers! A simple recipe for " Tsukudani peppers " where the rice is simmering.

The taste is soaked in well, and when you chew it, the umami spreads. You can also enjoy the crispy texture of peppers. It's good to eat it with freshly cooked rice! The recipe "Tsukudani of bell peppers" is delicious not only when it is freshly made but also when it is cold. You can eat 7 or 8 peppers at a time, so it is recommended for those who are worried about lack of vegetables.

Mushroom range Tsukudani

"Mushroom range Tsukudani " recipe that can be easily made in the microwave.

Smooth mouthfeel that slides smoothly on the tongue. When chewed, it has a chewy texture, and the fragrant mushroom flavor and umami are complemented by the sweet and spicy Japanese sauce and the refreshing aroma of ginger. The taste of white rice!
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