Easy and delicious "potato" recipe summary

We have compiled a simple recipe using "potato". Introducing 4 items such as "Potato with salted kelp mayonnaise" and "Potato & shimeji with mayonnaise".

Potato salt kelp with mayonnaise

"Potato with salted kelp mayonnaise" recipe that wraps potatoes with mellow mayonnaise and salted kelp. It's easy but it's delicious.

Easy and delicious "potato" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Potato with salted kelp mayonnaise "

Stir-fried potatoes and shimeji mushrooms with mayonnaise

A recipe for "stir-fried potatoes and shimeji mushrooms" that uses potatoes and shimeji mushrooms and is seasoned with mayonnaise. You can enjoy the chewy texture of potatoes and crispy shimeji mushrooms.

Easy and delicious "potato" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Stir-fried potatoes and shimeji mushrooms with mayonnaise "

Nori tsukudani potato salad

This is a recipe for "Tsukudani potato salad with nori seaweed" that allows you to utilize the surplus tsukudani seaweed. A Japanese-style arrangement that you should try when you get tired of the usual potato salad.

Easy and delicious "potato" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Tsukudani potato salad of seaweed "

Stir-fried potatoes and pork roses with oi butter

Stir-fried potatoes and pork ribs with oyster sauce and butter "Stir-fried potatoes and pork ribs with oyster butter" recipe. The rich taste is a delicious taste that will leave you behind.

Easy and delicious "potato" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Stir-fried potatoes and pork roses with oi butter "