"Crispy okaki" recipe

Easy because it's lentin! Here are three "lentin recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "Broccoli crab stick salad" and "mushroom range tsukudani". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article

Broccoli crab stick salad

Introducing the recipe for "broccoli crab stick salad " that can be made without using gas or pots! Since it can be heated in a microwave oven, less washing is required.

"Broccoli crab stick salad" recipe

Mushroom range Tsukudani

Introducing the "Mushroom Range Tsukudani " recipe that can be easily made in the microwave. It will be completed in less than 10 minutes even if you include the preparation time. It is recommended to eat it with tofu or soba as well as with rice!

"Mushroom range Tsukudani" recipe

Crispy okaki

Introducing the recipe for "Crispy Okaki" that can be easily made with a microwave oven using commercially available cutted rice cake. This time, we will introduce two flavors, soy sauce flavor and cinnamon sugar flavor. It's easy to make without using fire, so please try it when you're tired of the mochi you normally eat!

"Crispy okaki" recipe