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[Recipe] 3 simple snacks "pickled recipes"! Purujuwa "Sake-pickled Haribo" and "Dried fruit tea-pickled" etc.

It's easy because it's just pickled! Here are three "pickled recipes" for snacks that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious.

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Dried fruits pickled in black tea

Soaking dried fruits in black tea is plump, juicy and delicious! An overnight " dried fruit pickled in black tea " recipe.

Suck tea and be plump. The stickiness of the dried fruits has diminished, and the crunchy texture and freshness have returned. The more you chew, the more gorgeous the scent of black tea spreads juicy and delicious!

Sake pickled Haribo

Just pickle and cool! A very simple recipe for "Sake-zuke Haribo ".

Haribo of America, which has become like a plump jelly, is plump, unlike the usual hard texture. When chewed, white wine oozes out with the sweetness of gummy candies. This is irresistible for sake lovers! This time it was pickled in white wine, but it may be fun to make it with rum, plum wine, whiskey, etc. and find your favorite combination.

Dried fruits pickled in yogurt

Just prepare for 5 minutes before going to bed! Simple recipe " Dried fruits pickled in yogurt ".

The fluffy dried fruits are very juicy. It chews, especially when it is crushed and spreads its juicy sweetness. Since the taste is transferred to yogurt, you can enjoy the moderate sweetness without sugar or syrup. Yogurt has a heavier taste than usual, probably because the dried fruits have absorbed water.
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