Bonito and avocado with mustard

We introduce a collection of recipes using avocado. They are "Bonito and Avocado with Mustard," "Avocado Nameno-style," and "Avocado with Wasabi and Yogurt.

Bonito and Avocado with Mustard

Recipe for "Bonito and Avocado with Grain Mustard. The spicy mustard and the refreshing sourness of the vinegar are the key to the flavor. The savory and delicious flavor of bonito flakes, the mildness of avocado, and the sweet and sour taste of cherry tomatoes bring together ingredients with different personalities to create a richly flavored finish. A refreshing dish perfect for summer.

Bonito and avocado with mustard

]]For a detailed recipe, click here " Bonito and Avocado with Mustard

Avocado Namedroko-style

This is a recipe for "Avocado Nameno-style". You can enjoy the contrast between the thick and creamy avocado and the crunchy texture of the spring onions and myoga. The fresh flavor of the myoga and leeks, the freshness of the shiso leaves, and the sesame seeds give this dish a flavorful finish.

Avocado Nameno-style

]]For more detailed recipe, click here " Avocado Nameno-style".

Avocado with Wasabi and Yogurt

This recipe for "Avocado with Wasabi Yogurt" offers a creamy texture. The crispy texture and spiciness of the pickled wasabi add a refreshing accent. This dish is easy to make and recommended as a snack.

Avocado with wasabi and yogurt

]For a detailed recipe, click here " Avocado with Wasabi and Yogurt.