Home   »   Recipe   »   Recipe   »   Recipe and recipe for "Thick Fried Pizza" ready in 15 minutes! Just put the ingredients on top and bake it in the toaster. It is chunky, delicious and hearty!

Recipe and recipe for "Thick Fried Pizza" ready in 15 minutes! Just put the ingredients on top and bake it in the toaster. It is chunky, delicious and hearty!

Thick Fried Pizza" in 15 minutes

Simply place the ingredients on sliced deep-fried tofu and bake in a toaster.

Material ( Serves 1 to 2 )
thick fried tofu one sheet
mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
canned tuna 1 can
cone 2 tablespoons
onion (edible plant, Allium cepa) 1/4 of a piece
melted cheese proper quantity
salt and pepper proper quantity

When you want another side dish! We recommend "Thick Fried Pizza" that can be made in 15 minutes because it is easy, tasty, and filling. It is a great recipe for those who live alone or for a family dinner table.

Thick Fried

Pizza Recipe


What to prepare. The recipe is based on Sagamiya's recipe.

1 thick fried tofu
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 can tuna
2 tablespoons corn
1/4 onion
Melted cheese to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

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Slice thick fried tofu in half horizontally. Drain oil from tuna and chop or thinly slice onion.

In a bowl, mix mayonnaise, tuna, corn and onion. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Place the cut side up of the thick fried tofu and top with a generous amount of the ingredients you just mixed. Sprinkle with melted cheese and heat in a toaster oven for 10 minutes.

Put ingredients on thick fried bean curd.

Sprinkle with cheese and toaster.

When the cheese has melted nicely, it is done! Sprinkle with parsley or other sprinkles if you like.

Thick Fried Pizza How does it taste?

It's delicious! The crispy onions, the sweetness of the crunchy corn, and the mild richness of the melted cheese are all intertwined with the crispy thick fried bean curd.

Since the taste of thick fried bean curd is so light, I think it would be better if the ingredients on top are a little punchy. One slice is a good meal, and it's perfect as a side dish for beer or dinner!

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