Recipe for "Chicken and potatoes simmered in honey miso

We would like to introduce three "Miso-nimono recipes" that the En-En-Koku editorial staff actually tried to make and found them delicious. The recipes are "Chicken and potatoes simmered in honey miso," "Oysters simmered in miso," and "Hijiki mackerel simmered in miso. Click on the name of each recipe to jump to the detailed recipe page.

Chicken and potatoes simmered in honey miso

This recipe for " Chicken and Potato Simmered in Honey Miso" is made by seasoning chicken and potatoes with honey and miso. The rich sweet flavor is perfect for the cold season. The rich flavor of the honey miso is combined with the fluffy potatoes and moist chicken.

Recipe for "Chicken and potatoes simmered in honey miso

Simmered Oysters in Miso Sauce

Here is a recipe for oysters simmered in miso. Oysters are plump and full of flavor, and the sweet miso taste is a perfect match. The sweetness of the onions and the flavor of the maïtake mushrooms also add to the rich and deep taste of the oysters.

Oysters in Miso Sauce Recipe

Simmered hijiki mackerel in miso sauce

Here is a simple recipe for "Hijiki Saba Mis o-ni-ni (Boiled Mackerel in Miso Sauce)" arranged with canned mackerel in miso sauce. No seasoning is used, only canned mackerel simmered in miso. We recommend adding shichimi (seven spice) to taste. The spiciness gives the dish a refreshing aftertaste. It is a great accompaniment to rice, sake, etc.!

Easy recipe for "Hijiki Saba Miso Nimono