Recipe for "Eggplant and Minced Minced Soboro

The following is a compilation of three "Soboro recipes" that were actually tried and enjoyed by the En-En-Koku editorial staff. The recipes are: "Soboro Soboro-Andamori Reserve Vegetables," "Soboro Eggplant and Minced Minced Meat," and "Soboro Tofu. Click on each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article.

Soboro-Rice Marinated Momi-gai (Daikon Radish's Leaf)

Simple and easy reserve greens using momina (radish's leaf)! Here is a recipe for " Soboro (minced radish's leaf) Standing Vegetable Reserve greens". The crunchy texture goes well with the delicious flavor of the soboro. Momi-gai is reasonably priced, so it is recommended as a recipe for saving money before payday.

Recipe for "Soboro-Raw Soup with Momi-Green Vegetables

Eggplant and Minced Minced Soboro

The best rice accompaniment! Here is a recipe for "Eggplant and Minced Minced Soboro". If leftover, it will keep for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator, so it is recommended to serve it with rice for bento.

Recipe for "Eggplant and Minced Minced Soboro

Tofu Soboro-Don

Cut calories with tofu! Introducing " Tofu Soboro", a recipe recommended for those on a diet. Different from meat soboro, with a fluffy texture! The fact that it requires only a few ingredients is also a great point.

Recipe "Tofu Soboro-Tofu