How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them "sticky"!
Frozen udon noodles are generally defrosted by boiling or microwaving. This time, we would like to introduce a method to make udon fluffy and glutinous by adding a few extra steps before and after microwaving!
Raw materials Frozen udon noodles, water, ice
Tool Baking dish, saran wrap, bowl, colander
Working hours 10Minutes
1. Remove the udon noodles from the bag and quickly wet them all with water.
2. Place on a baking dish and cover with plastic wrap.
3. Rinse thawed udon under running water, and then tighten in ice water.
4. Drain and place in a serving bowl.

How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

Frozen udon noodles are convenient to keep in stock. They are prepared in such a way that they taste delicious when thawed and cooked, but if the thawing method is incorrect, the taste may be reduced by half. In this issue, we will introduce the recommended defrosting method to make frozen udon "sticky"!

How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

How to defrost frozen udon to make it "sticky

In general, there are two ways to defrost frozen udon: boiling or heating in a microwave oven. However, what we would like to recommend this time is a defrosting method that adds a little extra to the "microwave heating" method! Instead of microwaving the bag, take out the udon noodles and quickly dip them in water before mic rowaving them and then rinse them in cold water. This will make the udon fluffy and chewy!


Take out the frozen udon noodles from the bag and quickly pour water over the entire surface of the udon noodles to wet them.

Step 1: How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

Place the wet frozen udon on a baking dish, cover it with plastic wrap and microwave it. Heat the udon noodles in the microwave for the predetermined time for each product.

Step 2: How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

Drain the defrosted udon noodles and rinse them under running water.

Step 3: How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

Drain, place in a bowl, and serve!

How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

Defrosting in this way makes the udon fluffy, sticky, and firm, so it is especially recommended when you want to eat cold udon. Enjoy it with your favorite seasonings and toppings, such as zaru, bukkake, kamatama udon...etc.!

Step 4: How to defrost frozen udon noodles to make them sticky

By the way...according to KINREI, a frozen food manufacturer, frozen udon should not be "defrosted naturally at room temperature" or "defrosted in running water. The firmness of the noodles will be lost, and the texture will be rough and dry (some products can be thawed under running water). Please be sure to use the correct thawing method and enjoy every last bite of the mochi mochi udon!