"Deep-fried tuna cutlet" recipe

Luxury recipe using tuna! Here are three "tuna recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and were delicious. "Deep-fried tuna cutlet" and "Tuna pickled in sesame seeds". * Click each recipe article link to jump to the detailed recipe article

Pickled tuna in sesame seeds

Just mix the seasonings and pickle! Very easy and delicious " tuna pickled in sesame " recipe.

"Tuna pickled in sesame" recipe

The taste of soy sauce and mirin, the savory flavor of white sesame and the richness of the tuna sashimi are insanely delicious! If you like, it is recommended to pickle the perilla together or top it with white sesame seeds. It's just soaked for 10 minutes, so it's a nice point that it's easy. It's a drink that both children and adults will be addicted to.

Unfried tuna cutlet

It's a little healthy because it doesn't fry ♪ A recipe for "deep-fried tuna cutlet" that is easy to clean up afterwards.

"Deep-fried tuna cutlet" recipe

From the crispy and fragrant bread crumbs, you can see the moist and juicy tuna. It has a smooth and smooth mouthfeel, and the scent and umami of garlic soy sauce spreads to the extent that you can chew it. Since it is not fried, it is not greasy and has a taste that makes full use of the rare taste of tuna. It's soaked in sauce and baked, so you can prepare cheap tuna at the supermarket.

Tuna and green onion ajillo

Recipe for " Tuna and Green Onion Ajillo". It is a delicious dish that is perfect for side dishes and snacks.

"Tuna and green onion ajillo" recipe

The outside of the tuna is cooked and moist, and the inside is a little rare and smooth. The taste is moderately soaked by soaking it. The taste of tuna, the aroma of soy sauce, the scent of garlic, the spiciness of hawk's claws, and the sweetness of green onions are all incredibly delicious!