"Takikomi gohan" recipe summary

We have compiled a recipe for "takikomi gohan" that you can easily make using a rice cooker. Introducing 3 items such as "Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice" and refreshing "Ponzu cooked rice" finished with butter.

Rice cooked with sweet potatoes and bacon

"Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice" recipe that the saltiness and umami of sweet potato and bacon are irresistible. Add butter to the finish for a more sinful taste.

"Takikomi gohan" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Sweet potato and bacon cooked rice "

Rice cooked with ponzu

A recipe for "rice cooked with ponzu" that you can make with ponzu and your favorite ingredients. The refreshing richness of ponzu and the sweetness of rice match and it is excellent.

"Takikomi gohan" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Ponzu-cooked rice "

Rice cooked with saury kabayaki

Recipe for "pacific saury Kabayaki Cooked Rice", a simple cooked rice using canned saury kabayaki. You can easily make delicious food without the need for troublesome fish preparation.

"Takikomi gohan" recipe summary

]] Click here for detailed recipe " Pacific saury kabayaki cooked rice "