A hearty and economical recipe! Teriyaki Chikuwa and Shimeji Mushrooms
Teriyaki Chikuwa and Shimeji Mushrooms" is a hearty and economical recipe that combines shimeji mushrooms and chikuwa. The sweet and spicy flavor is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Material ( For two people )
tube-shaped fish-paste cake 4 to 5 bottles
Lyophyllum shimeji (species of edible mushroom) 1 share
sesame oil 1 tablespoon
Sugar, soy sauce, mirin 2 teaspoons each
sesame (seeds) proper quantity
Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

A hearty and economical recipe combining chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms, "Teriyaki Chikuwa and Shimeji Mushrooms. The sweet and spicy flavor is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Teriyaki Shimeji Mushrooms and Chikuwa

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

4 or 5 chikuwa
1 shimeji mushroom
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons each of sugar, mirin, and soy sauce
Sesame seeds, to taste

How to make

Mix sugar, mirin, and soy sauce in a container to make sauce.

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

Cut the chikuwa into bite-sized pieces and remove the stones from the shimeji mushrooms and break them up.

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

Heat sesame oil in a frying pan and fry chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms over medium heat.

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

When the shimeji mushrooms have softened, turn off the heat and add the sauce.

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

Turn off the heat and let the sauce simmer over low heat until it is thick and glossy. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and finish.

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

How does it taste?

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

Shimeji mushrooms, which are soft but crunchy, and chikuwa, which is soft and elastic, are a well-balanced combination. The more you bite into it, the more the flavor of the shimeji mushrooms and the umami of the chikuwa add to the sweet and spicy teriyaki flavor.

Teriyaki with chikuwa and shimeji mushrooms

The sesame seeds accentuate the flavor and texture of the teriyaki, making it even more flavorful. This teriyaki dish has a deeper flavor than you might think, and it's easy to make and saves money, so it's a good choice for "one more dish"!