Tofu okonomiyaki
Okonomiyaki made with tofu
Material ( for one person )
firm tofu 100g (3.53oz)
egg one (object)
shredded cabbage 50-60g (2.12oz)
Hondashi (or chicken broth stock, etc.) 1 teaspoon
mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
potato starch 1 tablespoon
Olive oil (or sesame oil, etc.) small quantity
katsuobushi proper quantity
okonomiyaki sauce proper quantity
mayonnaise proper quantity
Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

Attention, people who want to eat okonomiyaki even on a diet! Here is a recipe for "Tofu Okonomiyaki" made with tofu. Just mix and bake.


Okonomiyaki Recipe

Ingredients (per serving

) - 100 g cotton tofu
- 1 egg
- 50-60 g shredded cabbage
- 1 tsp soup stock
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise
- 1 tbsp potato starch
- a little olive oil (or sesame oil)

- a little bonito flakes
Sauce as needed
・Mayonnaise as needed

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1. Put tofu, egg and potato starch in a bowl and mix roughly. The key is to "not mix too much" at this point! It is best if the tofu remains a little bit in the shape of a bean curd. It is best to mix it just a little bit.

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

2. Add the dashi and mayonnaise and mix.

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

3. Add shredded cabbage and mix softly.

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

Pour a little oil in a frying pan and when the pan is warm, drop in the mixture.

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

5. Cook slowly on both sides until both sides are well browned, then transfer to a plate and sprinkle with okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, and bonito flakes!

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

Surprisingly fluffy texture

. I was surprised when I took a bite. The dough was just so fluffy and soft! It tastes more like okonomiyaki than I expected, and it's hard to believe that this is a diet menu item. Personally, I think I might like it better than regular okonomiyaki. ......

Low carbohydrate recipe "Tofu Okonomiyaki

If you want to increase the volume, you can add meat, seafood, fried egg, etc. as you like. Tofu okonomiyaki" is a low-sugar recipe that is worth remembering, and you should definitely give it a try!

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