Coco's "Sirloin Steak Fair"
Let's eat steak at Cocos! (The source of the image is the official website)

"Sirloin Steak Fair" has started at each Coco's store. For a limited time, sirloin steaks made with garlic and grated demons are offered.

There are 4 items on the fair target menu. "Garlic butter sirloin steak" (1,490 yen, tax not included, same below) is a dish that you can enjoy the garlic's savory taste. The "Heaping !! Oni Grated Sirloin Steak" (1,490 yen) with plenty of crispy demon grated is also a noteworthy dish.

Coco's "Sirloin Steak Fair"
Garlic butter sirloin steak

Coco's "Sirloin Steak Fair"
Heaping !! Grated demon sirloin steak

In addition, "Aged sirloin steak" (1,390 yen), where you can choose your favorite from three sauces, Japanese style, Mendtail & Dashi soy sauce, and Wasabi soy sauce Mayo, and "Beef hamburger steak & half sirloin steak" (1,490), which you can also choose from the same three sauces. Yen) is also available.

Coco's "Sirloin Steak Fair"
Aged sirloin steak

Coco's "Sirloin Steak Fair"
Beef hamburger steak & half sirloin steak