7-ELEVEN "Yoshiharu Mochitoro Red and White"
Congratulations to 7-ELEVEN Japanese sweets

At each 7-ELEVEN store (excluding some stores), "Yoshiharu Mochitoro Red and White" and "Yoshiharu Red and White Daifuku" will be on sale from December 30th to January 3rd during the year-end and New Year holidays.

Yoharu Mochitoro Kouhaku is made by wrapping whipped cream in a soft mochi dough that "melts". A set of two, white daifuku wrapped in vanilla whipped cream and red daifuku wrapped in strawberry whipped cream. The price is 230 yen (tax included).

The red and white daifuku is a set of one white daifuku and one red daifuku. White daifuku wraps bean paste in mochi, and red daifuku wraps koshian in mochi. The price is 260 yen (tax included).

7-ELEVEN "Yoshiharu Red and White Daifuku"
Red and white Daifuku set