FamilyMart "Custard shoe with a chewy texture"
Chewy custard shoe

At each FamilyMart store, "Custard Shoe" was released on November 29th. The price is 138 yen (tax included).

This is a chewy puff dough kneaded with cheese powder and stuffed with custard-filled whipped cream.

FamilyMart "Custard shoe with a chewy texture"
Palm size

The newly developed slightly thicker dough has a chewy texture that is chewy and chewy. It has a slight cheese flavor.

FamilyMart "Custard shoe with a chewy texture"
A moist textured fabric. Mochimochi to eat

The cream is thick and thick, and the richness of the egg and milk melts in your mouth. It has plenty of sweet cream, but with the scent of cheese that spreads when you bite the dough and the slight saltiness, it is finished in an exquisite balance that is not too sweet as a whole.

FamilyMart "Custard shoe with a chewy texture"
Plenty of melting cream