Creepy dessert "Hidden Eyeball Fruche"
For the hospitality of the Halloween party ♪ We will make a "eyeball" with Gyoro using "Fruche" that everyone loves.
Material ( 1 serving )
Fruche <luxury strawberry> 1 box
milk 150ml (5.07us fl oz)
Chocolate deco pen Appropriate amount
Cream cheese 20g (for one eyeball)
Hidden Eyeball Fruche

It's been less than 10 days until Halloween. Since the 31st is a weekday this year, many people may have a party next weekend.

So, this time, we would like to introduce you to the spooky Halloween dessert "Hidden Eyeball Fruche", which is recommended for party hospitality desserts!

The familiar "Fruche" is used. It's super easy because you don't have to bake or cool it. The recipe is borrowed from the official website of House Foods.

● Materials

Fruche [luxury strawberry] 1 box of milk 150ml (5.07us fl oz)
Chocolate Deco Pen Appropriate amount Cream cheese 20g (0.71oz) per eyeball

Hidden Eyeball Fruche Material
I bought it

For Fruche, please prepare "luxury strawberries" instead of other flavors. Strawberries will also work.

● How to make

Cut the cream cheese to a suitable size and roll it. This will be the highlight, so let's draw black eyes with a chocolate deco pen.

Hidden Eyeball Fruche
After rolling, draw black eyes with chocolate

Next, put Fruche in a bowl, apply this undiluted solution to a bamboo skewer or toothpick, and draw a blood vessel streak on the eyeball. Strawberries come alive here.

Hidden Eyeball Fruche
Blood vessel streaks with red fluche

Add chilled milk to the remaining fluche and mix until thick. Place this on a plate and float the eyeballs to complete!

Hidden Eyeball Fruche
Add milk and mix

Hidden Eyeball Fruche
Serve in a bowl and float the eyeballs to complete!

I made it myself, but it's quite unpleasant. I hesitate to eat a little. But well, when it comes to Halloween, this eerie thing is the real thrill!

Hidden Eyeball Fruche

In addition, even if you draw a spider web on the cooking sheet with the surplus deco pen, cool it and harden it, and top it with Fruche, the atmosphere will come out!

Hidden Eyeball Fruche
A little dress up

If you put it on the table at the party, everyone will be surprised. You can easily make it in 10 to 15 minutes, so please try it as a surprise dessert!