Recently, due to food safety and heightened awareness of health, kitchen gardens have become a bit of a boom worldwide. In the United States, Mrs. Obama has created a kitchen garden in the White House for organic farming. Even in Japan, a wide range of people, from housewives with a high level of health consciousness to young people who say something is interesting, are enjoying the vegetable garden.
Certainly, it is safe and interesting to eat the vegetables you grow yourself. I wonder if I should try it on the balcony. Oh, but I can't cook in the first place! !! It's lonely to just eat it as it is ...
If you think about it, it seems that there is a store that offers an epoch-making service that you can send your own vegetables and they will come back as sweets! Apparently, it seems that they are opening an online shop called "Smuggling Tokyo".
I was a little curious about the sweets-loving En-eating editorial department, so I looked it up!
This is a rumor ...
This is a rumor ...
■ First, let's send vegetables! However, there is one condition ...
This service starts by sending vegetables directly to a baked confectionery craftsman named Heidi. However, there is one important condition here! What a "limited to vegetables I made"! !!

It seems that this service itself starts with the passionate desire of the store owner to convey the joy of having a professional craftsman turn the vegetables he made into sweets.
Hmmm, the hurdles are quite high ...

You can send only one kind of vegetables. Of course, it seems that multiple types are acceptable, but it seems that it is easier to make if the amount of one type is large. He wants you to send enough vegetables to fill a 100-size cardboard box.
■ Completely original creative dishes. You can also get a recipe!
When you send the vegetables, Heidi will make a completely original dessert with your own inspiration. There are at least 4 types of sweets to make! There may be more than 5 types of inspiration. Heidi's inspiration is to send vegetables that will inspire you.
So many! ??
So many! ??
The finished sweets will be returned with a recipe! !!
This is
This is

It will be like this!
It will be like this!

■ Is the price you care about expensive? cheap?
By the way, the price of this service is 10,000 yen. Since you send the ingredients yourself, you may think that it is quite expensive, but it seems that there are 4 types of sweets sent and the amount of sweets is quite large, so considering that it is not so expensive You may not be able to say it.

Above all, the value is that you can get the experience that the vegetables made with great care come back as wonderful sweets that you can not imagine by professional hands, and the creative recipe that Mr. Heidi thought hard. Isn't it? It's just priceless!
If you are a vegetable gardener, please come and experience a new way to use your own vegetables!