Colorful Cobb Salad
Make Cobb salad more fashionable with 3 ways of serving.
Material ( 2-3 servings )
lettuce 4 sheets
tomato 1 piece
Avocado 1 piece
Chicken breast 1/2 sheet
egg 2 pieces
Mixed beans 1 bag
Favorite dressing Appropriate amount
Sunday's laboratory "Cobb salad"
Easy but main salad

Recent salads that are trending one after another, such as bouquet salads and jar salads. The ones that look gorgeous and look good in photos are gaining popularity.

As trends change one after another, one of the salads that has been loved for many years is "Cobb salad". The feature is that several kinds of ingredients are lumpy, and you can make it more gorgeous just by devising the way of serving. This time, I tried to make colorful Cobb salad with 3 ways of serving, referring to the recipe of Mr. Ichizu Nagakura, a cook.


Ingredients (1 dish)

4 lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 avocado, 1/2 chicken breast, 2 eggs, 1 bag of mixed beans, dressing of your choice

Sunday Lab "Cobb Salad" Ingredients
Even if you add your favorite ingredients

How to make (common to all styles)

1. Expose the lettuce to a size that is easy to eat in cold water, drain it, and serve it on a plate.
2. Eggs are hard boiled and shelled
3. Heat the chicken breast in the microwave

Bloom style

4. Arrange the chopped ingredients in a radial pattern like a flower to complete.

Sunday Lab "Cobb Salad" Bloom Style
The easiest way to serve

Striped style

4. Arrange the diced ingredients in a striped pattern to complete

Sunday Lab "Cobb Salad" Striped Style
Arrangement with a "proper feeling"

Circle style

4. Arrange the sliced ingredients in a circle in order.
5. Complete with mixed beans in the center

Sunday Lab "Cobb Salad" Circle Style
Increased satisfaction when completed

Volume perfect score

Choose your favorite dressing. This time I used Kewpie's Cobb salad dressing.

The slightly spicy dressing matches with creamy avocados, eggs and pale chicken. With the freshness of tomatoes and lettuce added to it, it is a salad that can be eaten even in the summer.

Sunday's laboratory "Cobb salad"
Very satisfied with eyes and tongue

The point is that you can enjoy the different textures of each ingredient. Especially, the crispy and firm mixed beans are a good accent.

For hospitality

Cobb salad that can be the main dish on the table with its gorgeous appearance and firm texture. You can make it look much more fashionable with just a little ingenuity in how it is arranged. Please try it as a hospitality menu such as a game meal when you bring your lover home or a home party.