"KULA CAFE", which offers freshly brewed coffee on the lane at each conveyor belt sushi chain and unattached Kura Sushi store, will start on December 2nd.

A little surreal?
A little surreal?

This service provides flavorful coffee, which is extracted from beans one by one after receiving an order, on an "order-only lane". This lane is a lane that can be operated to stop at each seat, and it is said that ordered products can be provided quickly and reliably. It seems that this service was realized because of this lane. As of November 25, 2013, it has already been introduced in 302 of the 327 stores, and it will be introduced in the remaining stores as needed.

Brewed on a dedicated machine,
Brewed on a dedicated machine,

Place it on the order-only lane
Place it on the order-only lane

To you!
To you!

The menu includes four types: "Premier Hot Coffee" and "Premier Hot Latte" based on Costa Rican beans, and "Premier Ice Coffee" and "Premier Ice Latte" with a refreshing aftertaste based on Indonesian beans. .. The price is 157 yen each.

Together with the sweets after meals, there may be more ways to enjoy conveyor belt sushi.