Insweb is aimed at users of the company's site, "what do you want for White Day", "how much money do you expect" for women, "what do you plan to give" for men, and "gifts". We conducted a questionnaire survey on "What is your budget?" And announced the results.

The market price for White Day is 1.6 times higher! ??
The market price for White Day is 1.6 times higher! ??

As a result of the survey, it was found that the average budget for gifts that men prepare for White Day is 4,882 yen for their favorite and 907 yen for their in-laws. Since the average amount of gifts that women prepare for Valentine's Day is 2,986 yen for their favorite and 565 yen for their in-laws, the market price for White Day is 1.6 times that of Valentine's Day .

On the other hand, the amount of the favorite gift for White Day that women "expect" is 3,970 yen. It also became clear that women would be satisfied with a lower price than men would think.

The company also investigates gender comparisons of "what you want" and "what you want to give" on Valentine's Day and White Day, the production and episodes of White Day, and the points to be emphasized when choosing sweets to give as gifts, and publishes the results. I will.

What is interesting here is the question item "I think Valentine's Day and White Day are troublesome". In response, 65% of both men and women answered "yes". Reasons include "careful about adjustments in the workplace" and "sense is required when choosing an item".

On Valentine's Day and White Day, 65% said "I think it's a hassle"!
On Valentine's Day and White Day, 65% said "I think it's a hassle"!

The survey period is from January 28th to February 13th, 2013. The number of valid responses was 1,652, of which 1,236 were men and 412 were women.