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[Recipe] 3 simple "carrot recipes"! "Carrot with peanut butter" and "Carrot with cod roe" etc.

Easy to make and gorgeous at the table! Here are three "carrot recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "Carrot with peanut butter", "Carrot with cod roe", etc. * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe page

Carrot cod roe

A recipe for a simple menu "Carrot cod roe " that combines carrot and cod roe.

The crispy texture of carrots and the crushed mouthfeel of cod. The sweetness of carrots that spreads slowly as you chew, and the deliciousness that makes this taste addictive! It is colorful and recommended as a side dish for lunch boxes. If you fry it quickly, the carrots will have a firm texture, and if you fry it until it becomes soft, you will get a gentle impression.

Carrot with peanut butter

A simple side dish using carrots, a recipe for "carrots with peanut butter".

Rich finish with peanut butter, ground sesame and double fragrance. The sweetness of carrots is added as you chew, and you can enjoy a richer taste. Peanut butter with chunks adds an accent to the occasional crispy texture. The base is seasoned with Japanese, but the peanut butter creates an exotic taste, which is a slightly new taste.

Carrot ginger hot salad

Eating warms your body! "Carrot ginger hot salad " perfect for winter.

The crispy texture, the sweetness of carrots and the spiciness of ginger that exude as you chew. Conflicting tastes complement each other. Excellent compatibility with the rich sweet and sour seasoning of honey and lemon!
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