"Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice" recipe

Consume the excess white soup! Here are three "white recipes" that the En-eating editorial department actually made and found to be delicious. "Salmon garlic butter with soy sauce" and "carrot with peanut butter". * Click each recipe name link to jump to the detailed recipe article

Carrot with peanut butter

A simple side dish using carrots, a recipe for "carrots with peanut butter".

Recipe for "carrot with peanut butter"

Rich finish with peanut butter, ground sesame and double aroma. The sweetness of carrots is added as you chew, and you can enjoy a richer taste. Peanut butter with chunks adds an accent to the occasional crispy texture. The base is seasoned with Japanese, but the peanut butter creates an exotic taste, which is a slightly new taste.

Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice

"Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice " recipe that can be easily made by leaving it to the rice cooker.

"Salmon garlic butter soy sauce cooked rice" recipe

The umami and saltiness of salmon and the mellow flavor of garlic and butter are mixed together, and every time you chew, a wave of deliciousness rushes in. The aroma of white sesame and the spicy spiciness of black pepper are accented!

Pickled cucumber in mustard

An exciting " pickled cucumber " recipe with mustard.

"Cucumber pickled in mustard" recipe

The crispy texture and refreshing flavor of cucumber, and the savory taste of white cucumber. The spiciness of the spicy sardine is added here, and the taste is more appetizing.