A simple recipe for Hijiki and Chikuwa Mayo Sesame Salad!
This is a simple recipe for "Hijiki and Chikuwa Mayo-Goma Salad," which is perfect for leftovers. This dish can be easily prepared in the microwave.
Material ( For two people )
hijiki (dark edible seaweed usu. sold in dried black strips; Hizikia fusiformis) 60g (2.12oz)
tube-shaped fish-paste cake 4 bottles
Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) 1/2 bottle
green bell pepper 4 pieces
mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
soy sauce 2 teaspoons
white sesame seeds 1 tablespoon
Hijiki and Chikuwa Salad with Mayo and Sesame Seeds

Here is a simple recipe for "Hijiki and Chikuwa Mayo-Goma Salad" that is perfect for leftovers. This dish can be easily prepared in the microwave.

Hijiki and Chikuwa Mayo-Goma Salad


60g (2.12oz) hijiki
4 bamboo shoots
1/2 carrot
4 green peppers
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds

Directions 1.

If you need to soak hijiki in water, do so according to package directions.

Cut carrots into thin strips, green pepper into bite-sized pieces, and chikuwa into diagonal pieces about 5mm wide.

Shredded carrots and bite-sized green pepper

Place hijiki, carrot, green pepper, and chikuwa in a heatproof container, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave at 500W for 3.5 minutes.

Hijiki and Chikuwa Salad with Mayo and Sesame Seeds

Drain off the water that comes out from the heating, add mayonnaise, soy sauce, and white sesame seeds, and serve.

Hijiki and Chikuwa Salad with Mayo and Sesame Seeds

How does Hijiki and Chikuwa Mayo-Goma Salad taste?

The overall texture is moist, accented by carrots and green peppers that are slightly crispy. The richness of the mayonnaise mellows out the refreshing sweetness of the vegetables, the aroma of the sea, and the saltiness of the chikuwa. The savory taste of white sesame seeds and soy sauce adds depth to the flavor.

Hijiki and Chikuwa Salad with Mayo and Sesame Seeds

This is a satisfying dish with many ingredients. The orange of the carrots, the green of the peppers, and the white of the chikuwa give it a rich color.