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Recipe "Japanese-style broccoli marinade" A horse that doesn't stop with garlic soy sauce! It ’s healthy, but it ’s very delicious.

A recipe for "Japanese-style broccoli marinade"!

Japanese-style broccoli marinade seasoned with soy sauce and garlic. It's an appetizing taste, and it's an addictive taste that you can eat with a plate!

Material ( For 2 people )
broccoli 1/2 share
onion 1/2 piece
tomato 1 (or 6-8 cherry tomatoes)
Olive oil 1.5 tbsp
soy sauce 1 tsp
vinegar 1 tsp
Grated garlic (tube is OK) 1/2 teaspoon

A simple Japanese-style marinade recipe using broccoli, onions, and tomatoes! The seasoning with grated garlic is so delicious that the chopsticks won't stop. It's healthy, but it's so delicious that you can't think of it as just vegetables!

Japanese-style marinade of broccoli

● Materials

Click here for what to prepare.

1/2 broccoli, 1/2 onion, 1 tomato (or 6-8 mini tomatoes)
1.5 tbsp olive oil
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon vinegar
Grated garlic (tube is OK) 1/2 teaspoon

For onions, we recommend new onions. If not, you can use ordinary onions.

● How to make

Finely chop the onions, put them in a heat-resistant bowl, wrap them in plastic wrap, and heat them in the microwave (500W) for about 1 minute (to soften the spiciness). When using new onions, you can leave them raw without heating.

Cut the tomatoes into bite-sized pieces. For cherry tomatoes, cut them in half one by one.

Cut the broccoli into pieces that are easy to eat and boil them quickly. When it is boiled, open it and drain it. If it is troublesome to boil, you can steam it in the microwave.

[Reference link] How to cut broccoli

[Reference link] How to boil broccoli

[Reference link] How to steam broccoli in the microwave

Combine olive oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and grated garlic in a bowl.

Put freshly boiled broccoli, onions and tomatoes in a bowl and mix.

Wrap it and chill it in the fridge and you're done!

● What is the taste?

The broccoli with a nice texture and the mellow richness of olive oil and the scent of garlic are soaked in it, and it's messed up! The crispy fresh onions and the sweetness of the tomatoes are a perfect match. Since it contains a little soy sauce, it has a slight umami taste that suits the taste of Japanese people. It is delicious that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Even though the only ingredients are vegetables, it is a delicious dish with an addictive flavor. Even so, you can enjoy it refreshingly, so it is recommended even on days when you have no appetite. You can eat it with a cool and comfortable throat!
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