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A simple recipe for "milk can"! Milky sweetness is like panna cotta

A simple recipe for "milk can"!

Simply melt the ingredients, mix, cool and harden. The result is a "milk can" that is smooth and has a milky sweetness.

Material ( For 4 people )
milk 300cc
Powder agar 4g (0.14oz)
water 200cc
sugar 4-5 tbsp

I have no snacks at home! But it's hard to go shopping ... In such a case, how about a "milk can" that you can easily make by hand? If you have milk, powdered agar, and sugar, you can make it.

● Materials

Click here for what to prepare.

Milk 300cc
Powdered agar 4g (0.14oz)
Water 200cc
4-5 tablespoons sugar

● How to make

Put water and powdered agar in a pan, dissolve with a spatula, mix, and heat. When it boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1-2 minutes while mixing.

When the powdered agar has melted, add sugar, dissolve and mix.

Gently add milk and mix well.

Turn off the heat, pour it into a mold or container, and cool it in the refrigerator to harden it.

When it cools and hardens, take it out, cut it into a suitable size, and serve it on a plate. Decorate with mint, jam, fruits, etc. as you like.

● What is the taste?

It's fluffy, smooth and smooth, and it's really delicious! The gentle, milky sweetness unwinds in your mouth, giving it a luxurious feel like panna cotta. The milk can itself is sweet, so it goes well with sour jams and fruits.

This time, I made it simply with milk, but it's also delicious with canned fruits such as mandarin oranges and pineapples! It is completed in 3 steps of melting, mixing, chilling and hardening, so if you prepare it before noon, you can eat it during the afternoon snack time. By all means!
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