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How to freeze bananas! Easy to freezer bag, easy to thaw, easy to use! Before they get too ripe and turn black.

Easy & user-friendly! How to freeze bananas

Learn how to freeze bananas using freezer bags for easy and convenient storage. Use up bananas wisely and deliciously, as they tend to turn black when overripe.

Raw materials 2-3 bananas
What to use freezer bag
Working hours 10minutes
1. Peel banana and place in freezer bag.
2. Remove air, seal the bag, and mash the bananas with your fingers.
3. Place the contents flat and put in the freezer.
4. When frozen as a board, it is ready to use.
5. When using, break off and use only what you need.

Bananas are often bought in bunches of four or five, and although they can be consumed well until the first or second banana, they often become too ripe and black and soggy at the end.

To avoid this, bananas with many sweet spots (black spots on the skin) should be frozen immediately! Here are some easy and convenient ways to store bananas.

When the sweet spot grows!

How to freeze bananas in freezer bags

Peel and place in freezer bags. Two to three bananas is the right amount for a medium-sized freezer bag. If you are worried about the pulp darkening, you can add lemon juice here. A rule of thumb is 1 tablespoon per 1 or 2 bananas.

Remove the air, seal the bag, and mash the bananas with your fingers. This is easy with ripe bananas.

You don't have to work as hard as you can to get them smooth. Flatten the contents and freeze on a flat surface in the freezer so that they harden into a board. Now it is ready to serve.

Before freezing

After freezing

The bag defrosts quickly, and you can enjoy its soft texture and sweetness.

They are also useful as toppings for ice cream and yogurt, and for baking. Unlike slices, no knife is needed for storage, and there is no danger of them getting stuck together in a bag.

The standard storage period is about one month. You can consume them slowly. You will be free from the obsessive-compulsive feeling of "I have to consume them before they get too ripe..." when you buy a whole bunch of bananas.
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